Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy happy and happy......

Happy happy and happy......
yeah that is heart feeling and a lot of people should already felt it......
but sometimes there are a lot of people that still searching for it.....
in my opinion there is no one born to be sad......
and everybody are born to be happy.....
am i wrong ????
and sometimes we can find “the mood booster” anywhere and sometimes we don’t realize it......
for example is my crap story....
one day that i forget what day is it....
my heart feeling is really horrible, we can say it’s mixture of boredom, sadness and anger.....
and everything that i do is being fuckingly shit.....
OMG if i remember that day, i really angry, LOL......
but ok i will continue my story....
in that day i can’t find something that make me happy......
usually i blogging but in that week i don’t do blogging, i just wrote my crap on my second blog and i wrote with my selfphone.....
finally i open my primary blog with my old and rusty laptop.....
and i’m so surprised because my blog chat is full of crap that written by i don’t know a fake or real person.....
but i’m really happy because finally there are people that wanna spend their time to read my stupid blog, LOL......
after that my horrible feeling is gone and i became really happy.....
yeah from that crap story we can get an important thing....
the important thing is we can get our happiness anywhere, maybe we don’t realize it but belive me there is no one born to be sad and just do a little thing that you don’t do for a long time and maybe your little happiness tucked there.....
ok thank you very much you wanna spend your time to read my crap....
and sorry if my english is like shit because it has been a long time since i don’t write my crap with english, but i promise i going to make my english better....
read more “Happy happy and happy......”

Symbol of happiness...

i just found music that can make me happy.....
yeah the name of that music is "REGGAE".....
really cool.....
after falling into sadness because a lot of problem.....
finnaly i found my happiness.....
actually i know reggae music long time ago.....
but i forgot because too much listen to funk and japanese music......
maybe know i will search and download a lot of reggae music....
FYI : if you are on sadness just try to listen to reggae music, for example is a "sangat menyenangkan" song from "Steven Jam", maybe you will happy after listen that song....
read more “Symbol of happiness...”

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


hai kita berjumpa lagi....
kali ini saya akan membahas sedikit tentang “masalah”.....
yups pasti semuanya pernah punya yang namanya masalah kan ??
seperti biasa saya akan mengemukakan pendapat pribadi saya....
sebenernya si dari pengalaman pribadi.....
ok langsung aja.....
menurut saya semua manusia itu pasti punya yang namanya masalah.....
dan setiap orang punya caranya sendiri untuk mengatasi si masalah itu.....
mungkin kadang-kadang orang-orang berfikir bahwa masalah yang mereka hadapi itu adalah masalah terberat yang ada di dunia ini dan mereka berfikir bahwa mereka ga akan pernah bisa menyelesaikan masalah itu.....
sebenernya si itu cuma pikiran orang-orang yang terlalu pesimis.....
dan sebenernya mereka itu harus tau bahwa tuhan itu ga akan memberi masalah yang ga mampu diatasi oleh hamba-hambanya.....
lebih singkatnya tuhan itu memberi masalah sesuai dengan kemampuan hambanya......
kadang-kadang orang yang mempunyai masalah berfikir bahwa jika menyendiri itu akan membuat dirinya lebih baik dan mereka lebih memilih untuk mengekang diri dari dunia luar....
sebenernya mereka salah besar karena kalau mereka selalu mengekang diri dan ga mau melihat kedunia luar, mereka justru akan benar-benar terkekang dalam masalah itu dan akhirnya mereka akan semakin terpuruk dan menjadi tidak peduli dengan dunia luar, karena mereka terlalu sibuk memikirkan masalahnya dan membuat masalah yang sebenarnya kecil menjadi semakin besar dan besar.....
“dunia luar”, dunia luar adalah dunia yang sebenar-benarnya dunia...
atau bisa di bilang dunia yang luas yang banyak sekali hal-hal yang bisa membuat kita merasa sedikit masalah kita hilang dan membuat kita berintrospeksi diri bahwa sebenernya masalah kita itu belum ada apa-apanya dibandingkan masalah orang lain.....
dan secara tidak langsung itu adalah motivasi yang membuat kita lebih semangat untuk mengatasi masalah itu.....
jadi inti dari semua omong kosong saya adalah....
jika kita punya masalah, jangan pernah yang namanya mengekang diri dan jangan pernah pesimis....
lihatlah dunia luar saudaraku, masih banyak orang-orang yang mempunyai masalah lebih berat dari pada kamu dan mereka masih bisa tersenyum walaupun masalah yang mereka punya sangat besar yang mungkin kamu tidak akan pernah percaya bahwa mereka punya masalah yang sebesar itu....
selalu optimis !!!!
itulah kunci dari semua masalah dan kunci dari kesuksesan.....
percayalah, percayalah !!!
eh satu lagi...
masalah ada untuk di selesaikan....
so, jangan pernah lari dari masalah ya....
read more “Masalah....”

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Thousand of words in my head....
that i wanna tell you....
but i always can’t do.....
see your face make me feel scary.....
you are too beautiful....
to be my girl....
i realize i’m loser.....
that could never say i love you....
to you.....
read more “hmm....”

Friday, December 24, 2010

Love and Sex....

In indonesia i think sex is goal from relationship of love, it is so ironical when after having sex the boys can go away from girl but the girl can’t go away from pregnant

For me the true love is pure and true love isn’t all about goal to get your girl virginity or sex but for me the true love is when you can share your love with person that you love that is a true love

But i think now only few boys that think like me, because almost of my friend had sex and they says it is usual in metropolis city like jakarta but i don’t agree with that because our culture and our religion never said sex is legal before married

For me if you want to share your horny feeling you can rent bad girl that sell her self for sex and you don’t need a girlfriend because girlfriend isn’t slut that you can use anytime you want, but a lot of indonesian boy don’t want to spent their money for sex they want to have free sex and he will search girls and give that girl negative suggestion until she want to give her virginity to him and after get it he will go away, because of free sex a lot of indonesian boys and girls will get a big disease that there are no medicine can heal it and that disease is callad “HIV and AIDS”

Now everythings is up to you, in this life you shall to choose your way and now you can choose to make health relationship or not.
read more “Love and Sex....”